Stealth Camping And The Decline Of Western Civilization
“Urban stealth camping” refers to the practice of camping in a city environment by discreetly setting up camp in a hidden or inconspicuous location, often by parking a vehicle and sleeping inside it, while attempting to avoid detection from authorities or nearby residents, essentially “blending in” with the urban surroundings. compliments of A.I.

The Mug of a fairly typical Stealth Camper. Albeit one with literary pretentions. Self-shot snapped at The Dead Letter Office, aka. Starbucks, Mill Valley. Sometime around late February. On a drizzly Monday morning. As the Western World teeters on the brink of collapse. Triggered by a deranged yet popular Leader. A Megalo Demento propped up by masses of Facebook Lemmings, Twitter Slugs, Self-Pigs, Mirror Stars, Early Onset Zombies, Cell Phone Junkies, Ayn Rand Preppies, a handful of self-made Billionaires of the Ramy-The-Swami ilk…et. al., ad nauseum…

Elon the Feline
This downslide shit is for real
I’m not a fucking nut. People know me say I’m cheap, cowardly, certainly a minimalist, self-absorbed, friendly, occasionally generous, an avowed Scofflaw, but certainly of normal and balanced intelligence. Until recently I believed we were the greatest country in the world. And then we went and re-elected Donald Trump.
Real Bad Move…indicative of serious societal dry-rot.
Oswald Spengler wrote a fat book called Decline Of The West. He wrote it back in the nineteen twenties. Could be the dude knew what he was talking about.
Spengler predicted that about the year 2000, Western civilization would enter the period of pre‑death emergency which would lead to 200 years of Caesarism (extra-constitutional omnipotence of the executive branch of government) before Western civilization’s final collapse. Wikipedia

Oswald was not a happy camper
From what I’ve read Spengler seems to have gotten it right. Except for the 200 years of Caesarism. But that’s understandable, given that Spengler died in 1936, about nine years before the invention of the Atomic Bomb.
Naw…I’m afraid we aint gonna have 200 years. Maybe twenty years. Or two years?
Starting from today.
What the hell day is it?
Monday 24 February 2025
How did I get onto this rant? This subject of our decline. Well, for example, how about our leader, the most powerful man in the world, calling Volodymyr Zelenskyy ,a short guy who’s taller than just about anybody, including our creep president, calling him a moderately successful comedian, but worse, calling him a Dictator. A Dictator? Calling the man who’s standing up to a Dictator a Dictator. Imagine that. But what is far worse than our Leader’s typical display of batshit petulance is the less-than-a-trickle of outrage from a Trumpy sated public. Although I’ll hand it to the New York Post, one of Trumpy’s favorite news outlets, for printing this headline:

Notice the dead eyes…the eyes of a shark.
Shit. Even the New York Post, the National Enquirer of Establishment Newspapers, has more sense than to call the Ukrainian President a Dictator.
Why does Trump love Putin? He loves Putin because Trump’s father, Fred, a Real Estate Mogul, a nasty ass Dictator in his own right, never showed young Trump love and affection. Trumpy, in his twisted Mind Bend logic, loves Putin as a kind of surrogate father. Is this what it’s come to? The fate of the world resting on Freudian Psychology?
Yeah, I think so. Anyway, this psychological analysis is the other reason why I’m onto my rant. The precipitating reason. It welled up first thing this morning. I’m tucked into my primary Stealth spot, wedged between the Sprinter and a triangle of hedge, snug as a deadbeat. Around five thirty I drag myself out of my freshly laundered sleeping bag and crawl behind the wheel of my van pad, fire up the engine, drive around the corner to my daytime parking spot, and while making the trip right around the corner, an interview is playing on the radio. An absorbing interview. A woman Psychiatrist is giving her diagnosis of our current malaise.

This woman, Bandy X. Lee is no slouch.
Check out her pedigree.
Nor is she coming out of the Pernicious Left Wing with her warnings. (not that there’s anything wrong with the Left Wing.) I’m just saying.
I listened to the radio interview. She’s giving a prognosis that’s alarming but delivering it in a calm and measured voice. Which makes it all the more creepy.
Professor Lee has become more strident lately. With good reason. We got a bonafide Nero in the white house. Or a Caligula. Same difference maybe. But in our case there’s no Pretorian Guard to erase a mistake. I mean, if we’re headed toward an age of Ceasarism we ought to at least have a method of getting rid of a bad Caesar.
There’s method to Trumps madness
That’s right. Believe it or not, a kind of logical reason for Donald Trump calling Volodymyr Zelenskyy a Dictator actually exists. You see, Trumpy needs to put Zelenskyy down. To brush him aside. To stick him in a corner. To eliminate him. Why? Because Trumpy wants the NOBEL PRIZE. In fact, he’s desperate to earn the Nobel Prize. And the only way for him to earn it, Trump figures, is if he, and he alone, makes this peace deal to end the war in Ukraine. He certainly does not want Zelenskyy to earn the Nobel Prize. If it’s just Trumpy and Putin sealing the peace deal, who they gonna give the Prize to? Certainly not Putin. Putin’s the real Dictator. He started the war. No, no, no….it’ll be just Donald Trump. He’ll be the winner.
Trump will get the Nobel Prize.
But maybe your scratching your head thinking, why. Why does Donald Trump want the Nobel Prize? What possible value does a man like Donald Trump, a man who values Gold above Honor, place in the Nobel Prize? Why, all of a sudden, does he give more than a steaming pile of dog shit for the Nobel Prize?
Because Barak Obama has one.
That’s the only reason Trump wants a peace deal in Ukraine.
The only reason.
Reading Trump’s mind is simple
You take and you take and you take and you take…you give back nothing.
All you do is take.
And, you keep pushing.
You never stop pushing.
Because the the harder they come, the harder they fall.
5 thoughts on “Stealth Camping And The Decline Of Western Civilization”
“The common man wants nothing of life but health, longevity, amusement, comfort — “happiness.” He who does not despise this should turn his eyes from world history, for it contains nothing of the sort. The best that history has created is great suffering.”
― Oswald Spengler, Aphorisms
Time to ride that love train into the sunset, if you can afford the ticket. Meanwhile, do not respond to Elon Musk’s E-mail.
Nothing so comfy like a freshly laundered sleeping bag👍
gotta stay warm!
I’m glad u washed that moldy bag. U don’t want to smell like mold