Keep Your Chin Up
The Old Dog Glare
I’m old. You get old the game changes. Life gets serious. I remember as a kid looking at old people (anybody over forty) and thinking, another has been. If I felt any kind of bond with an old person it was always mixed with pity for a worn out, dated, over the hill specimen.
They were like Old Dogs. They had that Old Dog Glare.
I don’t long to be young. I don’t even long to look young. I’m happy to look old as long as I don’t look awful. A man can still look good when he’s old.
Same for a woman.
There’s always the exception to the rule. For some, looking BAD is not such a bad thing
I try to Keep a smile on my face at all times.
Here’s my advice to my fellow old folks out there reading this: remember to always be smiling.
Otherwise you portray the Old Dog Glare.
Let’s face it. Life sucks. But why buy into it? Better to put on a happy face. If nothing else than to spite life! This is how I’m dealing with my declining years.
By smiling.
What’s my alternative?
I intend to avoid that old dog glare. Even though I know how screwed up everything is.
Peace, Love and Understanding
I’m dead center of the Boomer Generation. Born in 1953. August 27, to be exact. I grew up in the Sixties. Back then the Hippies were trying to spread Peace, Love and Understanding. They were all about Harmony. Well, that didn’t last, did it?
I’m still around. This is the year I turn seventy. If I make it. I hope to make it. I don’t know how much longer I want to live but I would certainly like to make seventy.
That’s three score and ten:
“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”
Psalms 90:10 KJV
So let me get this straight. What the bible is saying here is 70 years is about how long you should hope to live. To live longer than seventy is pointless since life is nothing but work and sadness. So why bother making it to eighty or ninety? Just die at seventy and be done with it.
I would call this a fairly cynical world view.
The Old Testament part of the Bible is kind of like an Old Dog Glare throughout.
I give the New Testament points for at least trying to spread Peace, Love and Understanding.
Elvis makes his point: where are the strong? Who are the trusted? Where is the harmony? You need to keep pushing for love, peace and understanding.
Life will drag you down if you let it.
So I’m keeping my smile. Even though I am the Gloomy Boomer. I’ll keep moving my feet to the sunny side of the street. What’s my alternative?
Wish me luck (making it to seventy). I’m knocking on wood.
Welcome to my blog.
6 thoughts on “Keep Your Chin Up”
My parents are alot older than 70 . They have a great life! They have their health. so that is a crucial part of the equation. I personally knew a 100 year old man that just recently passed, He had quality of life and still lived on his own.I knew a 90 something year old, a
great friend of my parents who was an amazing artist and was still driving around up to fairly recently . So buck up buttercup!
that’s what my post is about!
“grimness” is right, but like they say…you either laugh or cry…why choose to cry.
I’m with you, man! I’m moving my feet to the sunny side of the street.
As my older friend used to say to me at the age you are and beyond – You are just a kid! Lots of good life left.
I’m moving my feet to the sunny side of the street!