The Tao Of Gloomy
my future pad
my future pad
Khonsu in falcon form, adorned with the moon disk and crescent moon.
No meat on the steer? This will do!
The Big Mac has seen better days…
You will never win but sometimes you get even….
If you been following me you know I drive a company car that I’ve been driving since it was new but over the last couple years, more or less, the owner of my company he went insane and killed his own company out of rage and neglect kind of like a formery compassionate dude strangles his own baby. It was sick how he did it. Now he’s a demented shell of himself running a scraping operation out of his warehouse….
The DMV has machines!
Two attendees at a political rally somewhere on planet earth
Normal type people are building Rat Mazes! They do it for a hobby. Everybody needs a hobby. I have hobbies. Like this Blog, for instance. Hobbies make you feel better about life. Sometimes though, my hobbies don’t work. I don’t feel better. I feel worse. I can’t concentrate. I get depressed. Things become weird. The older I get, the weirder everything seems…. It was supposed to be the other way around. I was supposed to get wiser and more serene…
Randall Handsome at 22. According to his facebook page.