Another Suck-Ass Year Bites The Dust
Bye Bye 2024.
It was a great year for the stock market. Joan (my Trumpy girlfriend) she made some big digits. Good for her. Trillionaires made more billions and billions. Eat shit and die all you Trillionaires. As for the deadbeats. The Homeless (my ex-girlfriend Sharon, among droves of others). The Broke players. The Old dudes like me and many others getting by thanks to FDR…well, I know I poked along pretty well. Good for me! The election was a shit show. Whats-her-name lost. I never would’ve figured it. Now we’ll see what happens. The millions of Undocumented mostly Hispanics (we used to call them Wetbacks), I can’t see how the future bodes well for them. Unless this Mass Deportation promise was just another fucking con to help Trump get elected. There’s maybe a ten percent chance this Deportation deal becomes a reality. Squads of Fed’s will begin rounding up Mexicans and Central Americans, etcetera, and sticking them in camps. Could happen. Now I’m thinking there’s better than a ten percent chance. The Trump will try it. I’m sure of that. Deep shit is on the way, mi amigos!
Here’s to a slow gravel roll
gaining momentum
down the grimness road
over the edge
a steep plunge
down down down down
into Zombie Land!
Everything’s proceeding according to no plan.
Chaos ramping up!
Mexicans dashing for cover.
Meanwhile, the weather’s acting strange again.
Uh oh! Weather’s wigg’n out!
Cutting loose….like Zombie weather.
Nice slice!
Good old Santa Cruz. Raising weather hell. But wait! The crazy rains and hurt’n winds (they used to call it Global Warming Events) they aint contained as usual to our neck of the woods!
This years killer weather is everywhere.
All the way down south!
Laguna Beach
La Jolla
Who’s at the Government Helm?
A new Rouge’s Gallery on Point!
The Trump Squad: Elon-Musk-Rat. Toilet-Trained Trumpy. Badly Cloned Son Number One. Pecker-Headed stumpy speaker. And….last but not least! A genuine Zombie Kennedy!
Are they coming to the rescue?
They’re gonna be too busy chasing Mexicans…round em up and let the fast food chains go bust, crops rot, Restaurants close, etcetera, etcetera…round em up until the weather trashes every city in the good old U.S.A….then maybe Trumpy sees we need these Mexicans to help us clean up the mess.
Could be the Undocumented will get a reprieve.
I doubt it.
I’m just the Gloomy Boomer.
I got my own plans for the New Year.
I’m not worried about Mass Deportation.
I may be Undocumented but they aint gonna get me.
You know why?
Soon as the New Year rolls around. I’ll be living in my van!
This is…
…according to plan?
Yes. According to plan!
Whatsamatter? You think I’m crazy?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
I’m crazy as a Loon!
Here’s to living in a car!