A Slow Motion Train Wreak

A Slow Motion Train Wreak

I hit a wall with the focus group gigs.

The big one I landed last week really juiced me. I thought I had a career on my hands but I’m beginning to think these deals are few and far between. The internet has a zillion websites that offer this form of side hustle YET they all want my personal info. Then promise jobs that don’t materialize. I’m beginning to think they just want my information. That’s the scam!

They collect my personal information and sell it! That’s all they really care about.

I’ve been duped. I only wish I’d thought of it myself. Set up a website offering some poor sap the chance make money sitting on his/her/their/its ass. Collect ITS demographic info. Then blow IT off.

Now what do I do?

One of the Brothers

I need to confer with the Arm Fart. The bug Diety I turn to for advice, solace, comfort, etc..

I need help with my survival.

The Brothers know how to survive.

A Turkestan cockroach (Shelfordella lateralis) next to an approximately 108-million-year-old fossil cockroach from the Cretaceous Period.

Those Turkish Brothers really know how to survive…

A slow motion train wreak

Meanwhile the Economy is going to hell. It’s like a Slow Moving Train Wreak. One damned set back after another. I don’t know what’s going on. Do you? Of course you don’t. Nobody on the radio (financial talk shows) knows what’s going on.

I’ll tell you, man. Things are looking bad. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.



I’m gonna sit on my ass and wait. Like they did at the end of THE THING.

Wait a while and see what happens…


Yippy the Lobodomy dude is sitting across from me.

He’s destraught.

a destaught Yippy

A minute ago he seemed fine. Humming. Singing. Now he looks to be at the end of his rope. Like me. But wait a minute. Why would he be destraught? His Lobotomy calmed him down. He doesn’t look calm.

I planned to confront him for spreading vile rumours of me being a Power Bottom. Why bother?

He forgot he knows me. It’s like we’re complete strangers now.

Good. Let’s keep it that way. Uh oh, what’s he doing now? He got up and went to the counter for a refill. I was planning on getting a refill myself. Should I get in line behind him?

Yippy conferring with the Asian Dude

Maybe I’ll wait a while.

Like those two dudes at the end of THE THING.

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