Countdown To Van Life

Countdown To Van Life

29 January 2025 Wednesday 12:53 P.M.

Five days and I’ll be living on the street.

In a van.

I’ll be Van Lif’n.

Today I’m hanging at the Office.

I’m looking around for the Immobile Dude.

I don’t see him in his usual spot.

That’s his usual spot, in the chair beside the rear door.

He was in here yesterday.

In his usual spot.

I don’t know where he is today.

I hope he didn’t die.

Because that’ll disrupt the natural order of things.

As for me, personally?

It’ll be a blow from which I’ll recover…but with considerable effort.

Carbon Based Life Forms

I heard this on the radio this morning. A man lost his wife. A woman he deeply loved and with whom he shared a bond of mutual respect and admiration. To compensate for his loss he fashioned his A.I. account to respond with a voice and vocal mannerisms identical to his dead wife. You can do this with the brand new A.I….design a voice that responds exactly as a person you know in the real world. And if they happen to be dead, well, all the better. It’ll be as if they’re speaking with you from beyond the grave.

Remember that seventies song, FEELINGS? That’s how you’ll relate to your A.I..

Could be you find the idea of this–of animating a machine to compensate for your lost beloved– creepy, and even ghoulish.

Come on! We’re all just carbon based life forms anyway.

The main reason that life on Earth is carbon-based is because of the unique properties of the carbon atom. Carbon atoms can form strong bonds with other atoms, including other carbon atoms, which allows for the formation of complex molecules like DNA and proteins. Additionally, carbon atoms are relatively small, which makes them ideal for forming the millions of intricate chemical bonds and reactions that are necessary for sustaining life. Finally, carbon is abundant on Earth, making it the perfect element for building life from scratch. SCIENCE A B C

This is a carbon based life form

This is a carbon based life form

This is a carbon based life form

Yet another carbon based life form

This may or may not be a carbon based life form.

The jury is out.

You ever get the feeling your life is spiraling out of control?

I certainly feel as though my life is in flux. I’m on a countdown to van life. I’ll soon be squatting on a makeshift bed in my van. Comforted by my smart phone. I rigged a charger to the cigarette lighter to insure my phone will be charged up at all times. Maybe I’ll download an A.I. app that’ll allow me to fashion a comforting voice to my phone. A little buddy. Somebody to talk to in the middle of the night. A friend I can share memories, look to for advice, contact when I’m feeling lonely. I can always call Joan my Trumpy girlfriend. But I’m with her on weekends. No need to wear out my welcome. Besides, I never bug her in the middle of the night during the week. She’ll freak out.

“Why are you calling me at three a.m.? Are you in Jail?”

No, I think it’s better to have a little friend who shares my liberal sensibilities.

An A.I. friend.

Who could that friend be?

The Great Schnozzola


And he’s been dead for years. I’m ready to roll…

living in a chaotic world is tough

Especially when you’re like over seventy.

Being over seventy is a drag. Not as big a drag as being over 100. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. If I get there. I think I might get there. How do I know I’ll get there? I was You Tub’n yesterday and chanced upon a video titled:


Here are the six things. Number one: Laugh a lot. No problem. I’m laughing right now. Number two: climb a flight of stairs without gasping for breath. Okay, I can do that. I’m not gasping for breath. I’m just out of breath. Number three: remember what you had for lunch yesterday. Easy peasy. I had a avocado and a bowl of raw broccoli. Plus Ritz crackers, which I shared with the seagull. Plus cheese and salami. Plus restaurant style tortilla chips. Plus peanut butter and celery. Plus…Number four: maintain a group of friends and make new friends. Shit, that’s no big deal. I’m bumping into losers and deadbeats every day of the week. Like the Lobotomy dude, for example. He’s a cherished friend. Number five: make an effort to cook yourself a meal every day. Shit, I just told you what I had for lunch yesterday. I don’t need to cook that shit. I sort of cooked it. I put it on a plate and dumped it in a bowl. That’s how you cook yourself a meal, living in a van.

Number six: stand on one leg for ten seconds.

The ability to stand on one leg can indicate how well someone is aging and their overall health. It can also be a predictor of longevity.  Schnozzola A.I.

I stood on one leg for three minutes until I lost my balance and fell and broke my hip.

Just kidding.

I stood on one leg for a long time; then I stood on my other leg for a long time.

I’m now confident I can live to be 100, living in my van.

They call me Mister Lucky

And I just had a bit of luck.

The immobile dude reappeared.

Or maybe he never left.

In any case, things are back to normal.


And in the good old U.S.A.!!!!

2 thoughts on “Countdown To Van Life

  1. I think I would prefer a dog or a cat friend over an “AI” fake friend
    The “Producers “ Video hack is hilarious!

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