Tales Of Scruffy

Tales Of Scruffy

Add A Little More Gin To My Tonic

I didn’t name Scruffy. He came with the name. Who names a boat Scruffy? Somebody, one of the prior owners, had a odd feeling for this boat. The guy who sold Scruffy to me last year did not name the boat. He took my money and vanished. I duped myself. That’s what I did. Or…Scruffy duped me. Yeah. He saw me coming.

Scruffy said to himself, “I want this Dupe to own me.”

And it was so…

Other People’s Boats

Boats Abused By Their Owners

There are sick people within the Boating Community. These are the ones who crash aboard like Hoarders. I’m not in that category yet. Allow me to degenerate with Old Age…like some sick minded Boomer on his last dock legs…I may get there. It’s A Nightmare Horrible Enough To Zap Circling Flies…

The Shark

There are others among the boating community who use their boats to express artistic urges. These “Artists” are often no less sick than the Hoarders. Well, but at least they present a singular object which may or may not blemish our sensibilities.

I am not a Artist. I’m a writer. I just want to be left alone!

My Boat

You may think I give a damn

I’m the guy taking the picture. So far, it’s still me and Scruffy. A boat I didn’t name. I’m stuck with the boat. I’m stuck with the name. It’s real bad luck to change the name of a boat.

“You bought Scruffy? What a Sap!”

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