Zombie Dentists will fix your teeth for free

Zombie Dentists will fix your teeth for free

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“Got bit. Fever hit.
 World gone to Shit. Might as well quit.”

This Website T.V. Tropes. org. is where you go to get clued on stereotypes and clichés…which are tropes. I tried to figure the difference between the three. They split hairs to provide me with differences. None of them sank in.

I figure there’s no real difference. A trope is a stereotype is a cliché.

All these terms are interchangeable.

But don’t take my word for it. I can’t spell exceptionalism (I spell checked it…)

Plot devices. Tricks of the storyteller’s trade.

Short cuts

I’m taking a short cut to somewhere

Just trying to figure shit out…but not trying very hard.

I wake up in the middle of the night feeling lousy. Then I tell myself, shit, Gloomy, you’re an old man now, just relax.

The needle of your gas gage is down to less than a quarter tank.

Time to have some fun with your life…

My favorite trope

I don’t have a favorite trope.

One of my favorite tropes is the Zombie Apocalypses.

Armies of the Undead on the move.

Infecting some.

Eating the brains of others.

So….looking for something to do…and feeling creative…I googled Zombie Dentists with fix your teeth for free…thinking I’ll see what pops up.

What pops up is the following YouTube video.

The Gloomer laughed his ass off.

I think you will too.

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