Yong Zhu, where are you?
Who is Yong Zhu and why do I care?
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Who is Yong Zhu and why do I care?
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Merry Christmas to my friends and family. Especially the Jehovah’s witnesses…I can empathize.
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Do Leopard Sharks swim in packs?
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A True American Holy Woman
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I haven’t found Jesus yet.
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The secret career of Jay Franklin
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Jonathan loves Humanity
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They say there’s a silver lining to every bad situation. Who says? The Gloomer sez. Okay. Let us test the Silver Lining Theory: Say, for instance, you’re on Death Row. Time is running short. You are definitely in a bad situation. Facing Death in the Gas Chamber may just top the list of Bad Situations. What aphorism of positivity could possibly brighten the bleak realm you occupy? Well, I suppose you could say to yourself, “at least I have financial…